
  • 歐美進口食品商 – 標旗企業股份有限公司 / 晶和洋行股份有限公司
    官網上面只貼上象徵性品牌產品,若須查詢任何產品請直接以郵件方式或來電與國外部黃小姐聯絡,謝謝!  公司電話請撥打: +886-2-27017272 分機 16

    標旗企業股份有限公司五十多年來為殷實外銷成衣廠商,工廠遍及國內外,主要出口國為歐洲義大利、西班牙、土耳其、英國及美國等。 因應亞洲市場需求,也由各國進口各項產品到台灣及大陸市場,並代理義大利知名服裝、皮包、化妝保養品名牌等。
    2006年之後陸續成為1922年成立於義大利Fuchs亞洲區代理,1968成立的Lameri集團亞洲代理,1853年成立的Mercanti集團亞洲總代理及製造商; 並在2017年代理只在托斯卡尼出產的Poggio del Farro幾千年無基改穀物製品及全斯洛維尼亞最大的有機營養補給品Nutrisslim。

    2018年100%持有紐西蘭Suki Bakery Ltd.所有品牌及經銷權,為Suki BakeryLOWREY之全球總公司及總品牌代理經銷。專營Suki Bakery優格粉、冰淇淋粉、鬆餅粉、高品質奶粉、嬰兒餅乾等;及100%起司常溫乳酪球、減肥代餐奶昔、生酮餅乾、LOWREY奶酥餅乾等產品。

    **有關Suki Bakary Ltd.旗下品牌Suki BakeryLowrey之相關業務聯絡,請至專門信箱:
    Suki Bakery: contact@sukibakery.biz
    Lowrey: contact@lowreynewzealand.co
    **有關生鮮肉品 (進口到中國或臺灣)及海鮮產品之相關業務聯絡,請聯絡中華天合優選食品有限公司之專門信箱:

    本公司在義大利經濟貿易文化推廣辦事處(ITA-Italian Trade Agency)的聯絡如下:

    除了Suki Bakery及Lowrey自營經銷之產品,標旗企業及晶和洋行所有進口產品只專供給大盤經銷商、供應商、連鎖商店、餐廳、網路店商平台,及食品工廠等。

    Kash & Co. Ltd. as a textile manufacturer for more than 50 years and the major export countries are Italy, Spain, Turkey, England, USA, Canada.  In response to the arising needs of the Asian markets, we started importing all kinds of livestock and dry food products to China, Taiwan and South Asia since 2006.   We are also the agent of some well-known Italian fashion, purse, and cosmetics brands in Asia.
    In addition, due to the food safety and healthy life concept, we set up another company P & A Co., Ltd. and SINAE TSG FOOD to import livestock, like beef, pork and chicken from Central and South America , Australia and New Zealand which handled by our agents in local countries, also import the canned food and a variety of organic food such as cereals (Cereal, Granola, Muesli, Porridge), organic jam and butter (nuts and fruit jam), all variety of organic nuts, yogurt, ice cream powder, healthy snacks, and fitness supplement.  The major import countries are Italy, Spain, Austria, Germany, New Zealand, Australia, Thailand, Japan, and Korea.  
    In 2018, Kash & Co. merged Suki Bakery Ltd. New Zealand, and took over all the brands and distribution rights of Suki Bakery and Lowrey since. 

    The contact information of our company in ITA-Italian Trade Agency listed as follow:
    Besides the self-distribution of certain Suki Bakery and Lowrey’s products, Kash & Co. only supplies to chain stores, restaurants, online platforms, central kitchens and food industrials in Asia.